Anna Weigandt

Assistant Professor


I'm an Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota. Previously, I was an instructor in the Department of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an IBL Postdoctoral Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan. I completed my PhD at the University of Illinois in 2018 under the direction of Alexander Yong.

My research is partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-2344764.

In Summer 2025, I'm organizing an SLMath Summer School on Graphical Models in Algebraic Combinatorics.


Email: | Office: 257 Vincent Hall

Curriculum Vitae


My area of research is algebraic combinatorics. Most recently, I have been using bumpless pipe dreams and Gröbner geometry to study problems from Schubert calculus. I enjoy thinking about polynomials, quivers, and combinatorial algebraic geometry.


In Fall 2024, I am teaching Math 4707: Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory.

To see a list of past courses I have taught, click below.